Family Tree Fun

Family Tree Fun

Family trees in the Bible stretch their branches into surprising places. Did you know that through Jesus, you're a spiritual descendant of Abraham (Galatians 3:29)? Test your knowledge of family connections in the Bible. Have fun tracing the lines and discovering some of the backstories.

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Bible Facts 101

Quiz #1: Bible Facts 101

Swap wits on the level of the three wise men (there were three, right?), and answer five quick multiple-choice questions that test you on some basic and not-so-basic Bible facts. Are you ready?

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To Quote or Not to Quote?

Quiz #2: To Quote or Not to Quote?

Do you know the Bible well enough to spot an erroneous quote? Try to separate the wheat from the tares in this Bible quiz on five areas of ordinary life. Don't guess too quickly!

Take Quiz #2

Bumper-Sticker Theology

Quiz #3: Bumper-Sticker Theology

Instead of getting our theology from bumper stickers or cross-stitched pillows, let's go to the source. Are these five sayings really in the Bible? Test your bumper-sticker theology with this quick True or False quiz.

Take Quiz #3

Do You Speak Christianese?

Quiz #4: Do You Speak Christianese?

Most Christians are bilingual and don't even know it. That's because they've accidentally learned to speak Christianese. Let's see if you can correctly interpret the meaning of five common Christianese phrases.

Take Quiz #4

Available Now: Chuck Swindoll's new book: Searching the Scriptures